Caring for your pet

Dudley, a cairn terrier, was my first dog as a grown-up.  A few days before his arrival, there was a flurry of activity—interviewing vets, pet-sitters, dog-trainers, creating his own spot, buying food, toys and leashes, etc.  At that time, I had a job that required a lot of travel–and I wanted to keep his routine as uninterrupted as possible– so I also interviewed house-sitters.

When I mentioned that to someone, she just scoffed and said, “You don’t have to do anything special.  Dogs just require affection, nothing more.”

A few years later, someone overheard me making an appointment for Dudley’s dental cleaning.  Once again, I heard the scoff–only this person actually tried to ridicule me by not only laughing and telling ME it was a waste of money but also laughing and telling anyone in the office who would listen…my reply to him was, well, I can’t repeat it here.

Bringing a pet (dog or cat) into your environment is just like bringing a baby home–only the pet permanently stays in that toddler phase.  (I used to compare my dog, Dudley, to a two-year old). There’s grooming, training, vet visits, medications, good quality food, toys–and that responsibility needs to be taken seriously. And circling back to dental care, that’s not an unnecessary expense; as with humans, the result of neglect can have serious consequences, from tooth decay,cavities and broken teeth to the millions of bacteria invading their hearts.

Many years later another dog, my Westie Baxter, develop a fast-growing cancer at the age of 16. His prognosis was terrible; he had eight weeks at most to live.My single-pointed focus was only to make his last days as comfortable as possible.  I constantly bought him acupuncture treatments so his pain could be diminished naturally.  Every Saturday he got either a reiki treatment (which he loved) or a massage.

By the last week of his life, even though he couldn’t play, he DID try to pick up his toys.

So here’s the point:  Pets aren’t just playthings, they require care.  Please think long and hard about if you’re willing or able to take on that responsibility before bringing one home.

How To Recognize Heat Stroke in a Dog



Summer can be the most dangerous season for your pet. While cats are affected by the heat, they mostly stay inside; dogs, on the other hand, love to romp outside. They don’t sweat the way humans do, so their body temperature is regulated mostly through respiration–panting. If a dog’s respiratory tract cannot remove heat quickly enough, heat stroke can occur.

Heatstroke is an emergency and should be treated immediately.

Following are some situations that can cause heat stroke and dehydration in your pet:
■ Being left in a car in hot weather
■  Exercising strenuously in hot, humid weather
■  Being a flat, short headed breed, such as Bulldog, Pug, or Pekingese
■  Suffering from a heart or lung disease that interferes with efficient breathing
■  Being muzzled while put under a hair dryer
■  Suffering from a high fever
■  Being confined on concrete or asphalt surfaces
■  Being confined without shade and fresh water in hot weather
■  Having a history of heat stroke

Symptoms include:
■  Excessive panting
■  Hyperventilation
■  Increased salivation
■  Dry gums that become pale, grayish and tacky
■  Rapid or erratic pulse
■  Weakness
■  Confusion
■  Inattention
■  Vomiting; diarrhea; and possible rectal bleeding

If you think your dog has heatstroke, get him into the shade immediately. Take the dog’s temperature; a normal, resting temperature for a dog is between 100-102 degrees. Cool off his body with cool, not cold water; use running water, such as a hose. Don’t submerge the dog in a pool or tub–it can cause shock, cardiac arrest and bloating. Whatever you do, don’t try to give him any of those human, electrolyte drinks but, rather, stick with plain, fresh water.

Once his temperature starts to drop, take him to the veterinarian immediately.
